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A Weight Loss Journey of Body, Mind and Spirit

Welcome to the I AM DIET! My name is Sierra Goodman and after struggling with my body weight and image my whole life, I have finally found the winning (losing!) formula that allowed me to lose over 170 pounds in a year. I learned to release limiting beliefs and patterns and step into who I really am by re-wiring my brain to think like a thin person.

There is something you are gaining, besides weight, by being overweight. Excess weight is usually a symptom of a need to feel safe even if it is unconscious, and it usually is. For long term weight loss, it’s important to get to the root of why, not just treat the symptom with pure willpower and dieting.

Now I want to inspire YOU to not only create your thin/healthy body, but to discover WHO YOU REALLY ARE and allow that to reflect in all areas of your life. You are DIVINE, WORTHY and AMAZING and you can be thin and live the life you desire to live. Yes, YOU!

Isn’t it time you lived as your true authentic, happy, thin, healthy self? Yes it is! And I want to show you how.

Introducing the I AM DIET

I have manifested the life of my dreams, transforming from a paralegal in California to living in a tropical paradise on ten acres of oceanfront property in Costa Rica’s most pristine rainforest. I  take people to see the abundant dolphins and whales here and also work to protect them. I did that by deliberately creating my reality with my focused thoughts, clear desires and passion. I did that by following my dreams, taking leaps of faith and listening to my heart and intuition.

But I could never seem to apply my magnificent manifesting powers to losing weight and my own body. Then, after struggling with my weight for all my life, I finally lost 170 pounds using a plan I developed that I later named the I AM DIET.

The “DIET” in the I AM DIET is actually an acronym that that works not only for weight loss, but in all areas of your life. The I AM DIET is not a traditional weight loss diet, but a new way of thinking and being that leads to weight loss. It is a DIET of Body, Mind & Spirit!

Why "I AM?"

It is said that “I AM” are the two most powerful words in the English language. Anything you say after these words is  your proclamation to the Universe of who and what you are. Your self talk actually goes out into the energetic ethers of all of existence. Learn to replace negative statements such as “I AM fat” or “I AM poor” with positive statements such as “I AM healthy” or “I AM abundant” and your life will change for the better!


D – Desires and Deservability: I wrote down all my desires around being thin, i.e. I wanted to wear cute clothes, I wanted to feel good about myself, I wanted to feel healthy, etc. It is very important to create passion and desire for your new body and healthy weight.

Nothing is more important than that you feel worthy and that you know that you DESERVE all your desires. If you can get this, the rest will easily fall into place. Without feeling worthy of being thin, you would just be going on another diet again.

I – Intuition: I used my intuition and inner guidance to find the right food plan and products that would serve me and my body. I became very in tune with my body’s needs, not cravings. I made friends with my body.

E – Emotions: For most of us, food is a very emotional thing. We all have emotions tied to it, whether it is starving kids in Africa, stuffing your feelings down with food, using food to keep people away, feeling unworthy of having all you desire (this is a BIG ONE!), etc. I identified the emotions I had around food and how I used food to feel better, and then worked my way into new associations with food. The most important key here is feeling worthy of being at a healthy weight.

T – Thoughts: I changed my thoughts about my body, about myself, and replaced these thoughts with new, healthy, positive thin thoughts! I visualized myself as thin, REALLY FELT IT and soon, I WAS! I also changed my thoughts about food itself, what is good foods and bad foods and re-wired my beliefs about how food affects my body.

That is the short explanation of what the I AM DIET is, which is thoroughly detailed in my book. It is not just about weight loss, it is about finding your self worth and becoming who you really are, releasing the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It is about tipping the scale of your thoughts and emotions to being thin, because if you are overweight, there are thoughts and feelings that are holding yourself there. You are gaining something by being overweight and the trick is to find those things and change the balance to healthy emotions and thoughts that will make weight loss easy and fun and most importantly, to last a lifetime. This is about rewiring your brain so that the old associations you have to food are broken and new ones are created.

Now part of my Divine Path is to share my weight loss experiences and help others learn to find your inner God/Goddess, to not only lose weight, but to create the life of your dreams.

Besides my I AM DIET book, I have created Guided Visualizations which work miracles for releasing limiting beliefs (even while you sleep!), and am working on several other multi-media projects to inspire YOU to become All that You Already ARE!

It is my desire to show people that they really can be healthy and thin and stay that way, once they decide that is what they really want. The first step is making up your mind that you are truly ready to create the new you. Then it is up to you to do the mental work to re-create your life in the thin body that you desire. You will learn to re-wire your thinking and change your habits and beliefs, little by little, until you become that which you desire.

Are you ready to get started right now? Are you ready to take action? Purchase my I AM DIET book and Becoming Thin Guided Visualizations from our store. Super charge your weight loss journey by signing up for my mailing list which will allow you to be updated on new blog posts, products and programs. Join us on Facebook on both our private group and profile pages and on Instagram. Check out my Blog, which will be constantly updated with not only weight loss information, but general health and happiness posts too.

Remember that you deserve and have the right and the choice to be thin, healthy and happy RIGHT NOW! No one wants to be just rich, or just thin, we all want it all and we can have it! It is already Divinely Yours, now allow it in!

I am with you on your path to creating the life of your dreams!

With Love and Blessings,


Visualize Your Size!

Enhance and energize your I AM DIET weight loss Journey with my Becoming Thin Guided Visualizations and Hypnosis Series!

Our subconscious mind holds old patterns and beliefs around food and self-worth that keep us from becoming our true thin authentic self. My Becoming Thin Guided Visualizations and Hypnosis Series will assist you in re-wiring your brain and help create new beliefs about food and your body image while creating a feeling of peace and relaxation. This allows your conscious mind to take a back seat while your subconscious mind listens to the suggestions, visualizations and affirmations, taking it in on a deep level.

Sierra’s inspiring 170 pound weight loss was featured in Woman’s World Magazine on the front page article!

Sierra’s latest book, Oceans of Inspiration, is a collection of inspiring quotes for your self discovery journey.

Sierra’s Weight Loss Journey!