
Body Image & Self Esteem Guided Visualization

Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $11.00.

Body Image & Self Esteem – 30 minutes
With 693Hz Theta Brainwave Entrainment & Accelerated Consciousness

An important part of Becoming Thin is learning to love your body and all that it does for you. Imagine starting to work together right now with your body and giving each other what you both want…. A healthy body at its ideal weight. In this Guided Visualization you will learn to love your body, yourself and feel the high self esteem that allows you to easily become the thin person you desire to be.

This track is a theta brainwave entrainment program set to the Solfeggio mirror frequency 693Hz corresponding to the violet frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum. Aids in the purification and acceleration of consciousness while enhancing creativity, activating intuitive centers and multidimensional awareness. Please use stereo headphones for best results.

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